Reflection: Does your life transfigure or disfigure your faith?

How does faith transfigure life? Is it possible for my life to disfigure my faith?
Disfigurement occures when we fall into sin. When we fail to act with love; when we fail to be and do as God calls us our soul is disfigured. Sin manipulates our thoughts and emotions about ourselves and our worthiness to be loved.  When we let our sin fester with guilt and shame we quickly reduce the divinity of God by doubting His mercy, His love, His compassion and we allow our pride to keep us from God. We elevate our failure, our sin, our humanity to be out of God's reach  by believing our actions are unforgiveable. Is this true?  Is our humanity out of reach for God?  Are we unforgiveable?

Life is full of transfiguring moments; opportunities.  When we find it in ourselves to recognize our sin, acknowledge our sin and muster up the courage to seek forgiveness; we are on the path to being transfigured.  This act of taking responsibility for our actions calls us to reduce oursevles (humility) and give God his due praise (exaltation) by doing as Jesus commanded; seek forgiveness (Reconciliation).  Humble ourselves; exalt God, receive the sacrament of Reconciliation; these acts of faith are what transfigure our lives.  We also have a greater call to be transfigured when we are on the receiving end of others sin.  We have the opportunity to offer that unconditional, forgiveness that we seek.  We have an opportunnity to forgive those who tresspass againt us as He forgives us.   Can you be as forgiving as you beleive God to be?

Lent is an important time to evalute our relationship with God. A time for spring cleaning of the soul.  Spend some mindful time listening to God's call for you. He speaks to your heart with love far greater than we can fathom.  And when you are reaady to be tranfigured, be radiant with the light of Christ, run to your nearrest confessional and seek forgiveness as if your eternal soul depends on it!
Eternal Father, help me to reflect your glory in all I do, all I say and all that I am.

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